Getting a massage is great, but having a regularly scheduled massage session is better! Although most massage and bodywork sessions will alleviate tension in your body, receiving a massage at least one to two times a month has even more benefits.
Most of our clients have a set day and time for their massage sessions booked for 6 months to a year in advance because they know how much of a difference it makes in their life. Massage and bodywork sessions are for much more than just relaxation.
Here are 8 reasons to get a regular massage:
1. Decreases postural stress on the body
If you work at a computer you’ve likely experienced that dull achy pain in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. The recent pandemic hasn’t made this any better with people home more which has likely led to a lot more Netflix and chill time, too. Getting massaged regularly, can ultimately work to prevent future imbalances in your body from continued sitting.
2. Improves sleep quality and reduces fatigue
Restful sleep is vital for our body’s ability to reset, stay healthy, and focus. A regularly scheduled massage and bodywork session helps to flush out toxins and metabolic wastes that build up over time. While massage also elicits the body to release stress, it encourages the body to experience more restful sleep and decreases fatigue.
3. Increases circulation and blood flow
Proper blood flow and circulation is imperative to your body’s ability to heal itself, maintaining a healthy blood pressure, protecting your immune system, and decreasing pain. Regular massages stimulate blood and lymph flow throughout the body encouraging blood and oxygen to reach our muscles and organs to function properly.
4. Increases flexibility
Massage and bodywork helps to increase range of motion by stimulating the body’s natural lubricants in the joints and improves flexibility by working on the muscles and connective tissues. Retaining flexibility is important for balance, prevention of injuries, and decreasing back pain. When you experience regular massages, you can slow the progression of certain conditions that benefit from healthy, flexible muscles and joints.
5. Reduces stress and anxiety
As humans, we benefit from safe, professional therapeutic touch. Massage therapy encourages the body to release endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine (our natural “feel good” chemicals). Residence in nursing homes and those diagnosed with cancer have shown to experience lessened depression and anxiety when receiving regular massages. This has also been the case for those living with stress and other mental health conditions.
6. Aids in recovery from physical activities
Athletes and anyone else that participates in physical activities can benefit from regular massages. Exercise can cause micro tears to occur in the muscle fibers and the body promptly responds to heal those areas while also creating an inflammatory response. Regular massages can decrease the inflammation occurring better than taking anti-inflammatory medications by stimulating the mitochondria (your cells “powerhouses”) to repair those tissues while reducing pain.
7. Reduces pain from chronic diseases and injuries
There have been many studies conducted that found that the body greatly benefits from regular massage to improve the functions of muscles and joints, thus reducing overall pain. Specifically, those who suffer from arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic spinal injuries or degeneration, and even fibromyalgia have shown significant improvement in their daily life through regular massage and bodywork sessions.
8. Guaranteed scheduled time for yourself
You deserve time that is dedicated to yourself. Making regular massages part of your life can be important for improving your overall mental and physical health and getting the restoration you need. To avoid scrambling for an appointment when the stress or muscular pain starts to add up, you’ll have already set this time aside. It also helps prevent you from not taking time for yourself because you care for other people. Remember, it’s important to take care and nourish ourselves before we can be appropriately care for others.